Insurance Guide

Pet Dental Insurance: Protecting Your Pet’s Oral Health in 2024

Owning a pet is incredibly rewarding, but it can also be quite expensive. Whether you have a dog or a cat, your savings could quickly diminish if your furry friend falls ill or gets into an accident. Dental issues, in particular, can be some of the most costly aspects of veterinary care.

That’s why getting a pet insurance policy that includes dental coverage is a wise decision. The best pet dental insurance providers will cover the costs of treatments for dental injuries and illnesses, and many even offer add-ons for preventive dental care, such as teeth cleaning. This guide will cover the top pet insurance policies that include dental care to help you choose the right policy for your pet.

Pet dental insurance compared

Pet Insurance CompanyBest forDental CoverageMax Annual CoverageReimbursement ratesDeductible choicesMax Enroll Age
Lemonade Pet InsuranceRoutine dental coverageRoutine dental cleaning, including dental X-rays, anesthesia, polishing, and more$1,00070%, 80%, or 90%$100, $250, $500, or $750Not specified
Embrace Pet InsuranceComprehensive dental coverageBroken, chipped, and fractured teeth; extractions; gingivitis; root canals and crowns; stomatitis; and periodontal disease$1,00070%, 80%, or 90%$100, $250, $500, $750, or $1,000Up to 15th birthday
Pets Best InsuranceDirect vet paymentEndodontic treatment and extractions to treat traumatic dental fractures or other oral traumas$5,000 or unlimited70%, 80%, or 90%$50, $100, $200, $250, $500, or $1,000No upper age limit
Figo Pet Insurance100% reimbursement optionDental illness and injury$5,000, $10,000, or unlimited70%, 80%, 90%, or 100%$100, $250, $500, or $750No upper age limit
Fetch Pet InsuranceAdditional perksEmergency dental care and gum disease$5,000, $10,000, or unlimited70%, 80%, or 90%$300, $500, or $700No upper age limit
Spot Pet InsuranceAnnual coverage optionsDental illnesses and tooth extractions for dental accidents$2,500, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, or unlimited70%, 80%, or 90%$100, $250, $500, $750, or $1,000No upper age limit
Pumpkin Pet InsuranceStandard 90% reimbursementDental illnesses and tooth extractions for dental injuries$10,000, $20,000, or unlimited90%$100, $250, $500, or $1,000No upper age limit

Our Recommendations for the Best Pet Dental Insurance

Top Pet Dental Insurance Plans for 2024

Best for Routine Dental Coverage: Lemonade Pet Insurance

Lemonade Pet Insurance

  • Dental Coverage: Routine dental cleaning, including dental X-rays, anesthesia, polishing, and more.
  • Max Annual Coverage: $1,000
  • Reimbursement Rates: 70%, 80%, or 90%
  • Deductible Choices: $100, $250, $500, or $750
  • Max Enroll Age: Not specified

Lemonade Pet Insurance offers dental cleanings through its preventive care package, which includes X-rays, anesthesia, and polishing. Preventive dental care can help avoid costly dental illnesses. Their fast online claims process, using AI to handle about 50% of claims instantly, ensures quick reimbursement. With a short waiting period of just two days for accident coverage, Lemonade is a good fit for younger pets, offering relatively low rates for kittens and puppies. Plus, leftover premium money is donated to nonprofits.


  • Optional coverage for routine dental cleaning.
  • Fast and easy online claims process.
  • Short two-day waiting period for accident coverage.
  • Low prices for young animals.
  • Donates leftover premiums to nonprofits.


  • No coverage for preventable conditions.

Best for Comprehensive Dental Coverage: Embrace Pet Insurance

Top Pet Dental Insurance Plans for 2024

Embrace Pet Insurance

  • Dental Coverage: Broken, chipped, and fractured teeth; extractions; gingivitis; root canals and crowns; stomatitis; and periodontal disease.
  • Max Annual Coverage: $1,000
  • Reimbursement Rates: 70%, 80%, or 90%
  • Deductible Choices: $100, $250, $500, $750, or $1,000
  • Max Enroll Age: Up to 15th birthday

Embrace Pet Insurance provides extensive dental coverage and offers a diminishing deductible—decreasing by $50 annually if claim-free until it reaches $0. While the $650 annual limit for the wellness plan add-on might be limiting, it typically covers dental cleanings. Embrace also offers additional office visit coverage for senior pets, making it a valuable option for older animals.


  • Extensive dental coverage.
  • Diminishing deductible.
  • Additional office visit coverage for senior pets.


  • $650 annual limit for wellness plan add-on.

Best for Direct Vet Payment: Pets Best Insurance

Pets Best Insurance

  • Dental Coverage: Endodontic treatment and extractions to treat traumatic dental fractures or other oral traumas.
  • Max Annual Coverage: $5,000 or unlimited
  • Reimbursement Rates: 70%, 80%, or 90%
  • Deductible Choices: $50, $100, $200, $250, $500, or $1,000
  • Max Enroll Age: No upper age limit

Pets Best Insurance offers the convenience of direct vet payment, paying your vet directly without requiring a claim submission. It covers endodontic treatment and extractions for dental fractures. Routine dental care packages, including cleanings, are available for an extra charge. Note that some dental issues may not be covered if the pet is insured after six months old.


  • Coverage for endodontic treatment and extractions.
  • Routine dental care packages available.
  • Direct vet pay option.
  • Numerous deductible options.


  • Some dental coverage exclusions for pets insured after six months of age.

Best for 100% Reimbursement: Figo Pet Insurance

Figo Pet Insurance

  • Dental Coverage: Dental illness and injury.
  • Max Annual Coverage: $5,000, $10,000, or unlimited
  • Reimbursement Rates: 70%, 80%, 90%, or 100%
  • Deductible Choices: $100, $250, $500, or $750
  • Max Enroll Age: No upper age limit

Figo Pet Insurance offers up to 100% reimbursement, covering dental illnesses and injuries. Their policies include a dental cleaning powerup to prevent more serious dental issues. However, they don’t offer accident-only coverage.


  • 100% reimbursement option.
  • Coverage for dental illness and injury.
  • Dental cleaning powerup available.


  • No accident-only coverage.

Best for Additional Perks: Fetch Pet Insurance

Fetch Pet Insurance

  • Dental Coverage: Emergency dental care, gum disease, oral tumors, trauma, and more.
  • Max Annual Coverage: $5,000, $10,000, or unlimited
  • Reimbursement Rates: 70%, 80%, or 90%
  • Deductible Choices: $300, $500, or $700
  • Max Enroll Age: No upper age limit

Fetch Pet Insurance claims the most comprehensive dental coverage, including every adult tooth. It covers emergency dental care, gum disease, oral tumors, and trauma. Additional perks include coverage for pet boarding costs if you’re hospitalized and advertising and rewards if your pet is lost.


  • Comprehensive dental coverage.
  • Dental cleaning coverage with Fetch Wellness plan.
  • Coverage for pet boarding and lost pet advertising.


  • No accident-only coverage.

Best for Annual Coverage Options: Spot Pet Insurance

Spot Pet Insurance

  • Dental Coverage: Dental illnesses and tooth extractions for dental accidents.
  • Max Annual Coverage: $2,500, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, or unlimited
  • Reimbursement Rates: 70%, 80%, or 90%
  • Deductible Choices: $100, $250, $500, $750, or $1,000
  • Max Enroll Age: No upper age limit

Spot Pet Insurance covers dental illnesses and accidents, with options for preventive dental care. Despite a longer two-week waiting period for accident coverage, the numerous annual coverage options allow you to tailor your plan to your budget.


  • Coverage for dental illnesses and accidents.
  • Preventive dental care available.
  • Various annual coverage maximum options.


  • Two-week waiting period for accidents.

Best for Standard 90% Reimbursement: Pumpkin Pet Insurance

Pumpkin Pet Insurance

  • Dental Coverage: Dental illnesses and tooth extractions for dental injuries.
  • Max Annual Coverage: $10,000, $20,000, or unlimited
  • Reimbursement Rates: 90%
  • Deductible Choices: $100, $250, $500, or $1,000
  • Max Enroll Age: No upper age limit

Pumpkin Pet Insurance offers a standard 90% reimbursement rate, covering dental illnesses and extractions. However, they don’t offer preventive dental care coverage, and their premiums might be higher for certain breeds.


  • Coverage for dental illnesses and injuries.
  • Standard 90% reimbursement rate.


  • No preventive dental care coverage.
  • Potentially higher premiums for some breeds.


To identify the best pet dental insurance policies, we began by comparing the top pet insurers to determine which ones offered dental coverage and to what extent. We assessed whether dental coverage was standard or offered as an optional add-on. We then delved deeper to understand what made each provider stand out. After selecting our finalists, we awarded each one based on their main strengths.

How to Determine Which Pet Dental Insurance Policy is Right for You

Top Pet Dental Insurance Plans for 2024

When choosing the best pet dental insurance, consider which policy offers the most coverage for your pet at the best price. While comprehensive plans might be tempting, they can be more expensive than you can afford.

To find the right pet insurance with dental coverage, get quotes from multiple providers and compare them. Consider the cost, what is covered, deductible options, maximum annual coverage allowance, reimbursement amounts, and any age restrictions. Some insurers offer a money-back guarantee, allowing you to try the policy risk-free for a predetermined period.

More on Pet Dental Insurance

Does Pet Insurance Cover Dental Care?

Not all pet insurance policies cover dental care. If dental coverage is essential, ensure your chosen provider offers this before purchasing a policy. Standard plans may cover basic treatments like oral exams, dental cleanings, and dental-related injuries or illnesses, but more complex issues may not be covered.

What’s Covered Under Pet Dental Insurance?

A pet insurance policy with dental care may cover:

  • Routine teeth cleanings
  • Treatment for gum disease
  • Tooth extraction
  • Root canals
  • Treatment for stomatitis (inflammation in the mouth and gums)
  • Treatment for periodontal disease
  • Dental expenses related to accidents

Check with your provider for a specific list of covered issues to be fully informed.

What Isn’t Covered Under Pet Dental Insurance?

Typically, the following are not covered:

  • Preexisting oral health conditions
  • Routine dental care with some providers
  • Cosmetic dental procedures
  • Orthodontic care
  • Endodontic care

The Value of Pet Dental Insurance

Vet visits can be costly, especially if your pet develops dental disease or requires a tooth extraction due to injury, potentially costing thousands out of pocket. A pet insurance policy with dental care can cover most costs, leaving you to pay only the deductible. This guide is a starting point for those considering pet dental insurance, but requesting and comparing quotes from several providers is the best way to find the right coverage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Much Does Pet Dental Insurance Cost?

The cost depends on several factors, including your pet’s species, age, and breed. Your premiums will also depend on the type of coverage, deductible amount, reimbursement percentage, and maximum annual coverage. Policies with lower deductibles, higher reimbursement rates, and higher coverage amounts tend to cost more. According to the North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA), the average monthly amounts for dogs and cats are as follows:

Ensure to get specific quotes for the most accurate cost for your pet.

Animal TypeAccident-Only CoverageAccident and Injury Coverage

How Much Does Pet Dental Treatment Cost?

The cost of pet dental treatment varies based on the type of treatment, the type of pet, and the severity of the condition. Below is a table showing the average cost range for the most common pet dental treatments:

Dental TreatmentAverage Cost Range
Routine Dental Cleaning$200 – $600
Tooth Extraction$150 – $800 per tooth
Root Canal$1,000 – $3,000 per tooth
Treatment for Gum Disease$300 – $1,000
Treatment for Stomatitis$500 – $2,000
Periodontal Disease Treatment$500 – $2,500
Dental X-Rays$75 – $150
Anesthesia$150 – $300

These costs can vary depending on the location, veterinary clinic, and specific needs of the pet. It’s always best to consult with your veterinarian for an accurate estimate based on your pet’s condition.

How to Save Money on Pet Dental Care

  1. Regular Checkups and Cleanings:
  • Schedule routine dental checkups and cleanings for your pet. Preventive care can help identify and address dental issues early before they become more serious and expensive to treat.
  1. Immediate Treatment for Dental Injuries:
  • Treat dental injuries promptly. If your pet chips a tooth or shows signs of dental discomfort, visit the vet immediately to prevent the problem from worsening and becoming more costly to treat.
  1. Pet Insurance with Dental Coverage:
  • Consider pet insurance that includes dental coverage. While it adds a monthly expense, insurance can significantly reduce out-of-pocket costs for dental treatments, especially in case of illness or accidents.
  1. Special Financing Options:
  • Explore special financing options offered by some veterinarians. Many clinics allow customers to pay bills in installments, making it easier to manage the costs of dental care over time.
  1. Home Dental Care:
  • Practice good dental hygiene at home by brushing your pet’s teeth regularly and providing dental chews or toys that help reduce plaque buildup.
  1. Research and Compare Vet Prices:
  • Compare prices among different veterinary clinics to find one that offers quality care at a reasonable cost. Some clinics may offer promotions or discounts on dental services.

By taking these steps, you can help maintain your pet’s dental health while also managing costs effectively.

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